November 2019 Newsletter

All the Sunrise kids are tuckered out from trick or treating and playing in the snow. Big thanks to all our special guest visitors from Boulder Open Space who came to educate the children about bats, owls, and bears. We hope your child had a lot to share with you about what they've learned this past month. Thanks to our volunteer parents for helping make the Halloween parties such a great success. The parade was a blast and the kids had so much fun showing off their costumes this year!

This month we begin our unit on Dinosaurs! We have a lot to learn, so much art to make, and will even be taking a field trip to the CU Science Museum. We leave for our trip on Tuesday, November 19th, so get those permission slips in your child's cubby back to us before then and please let us know if you can volunteer to chaperone. On November 26th the Sunrise kiddos will present a felt board story about sharing called Hugin and His Carrot. All parents and extended family are invited to watch and stay afterwards for snack in the gym. The preschool will be closed on Monday, November 11th for Veteran's Day and November 28th and 29th for Thanksgiving break. There's a lot going on in November and if you forget anything please ask the staff at school.
Misses Melissa, Chrisline, & Mr. Nick.