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October 2019 Newsletter

We had lots of fun last month learning about famous artists and then making our own masterpieces. Hope the kids came home and taught you something new. Big thanks to our guest pirate, Stephen, for stopping by and helping the kids find their buried treasure in the playground. The school photos turned out great and the individual and family pictures are ready to be ordered at

The Sunrise kids will learn about Owls, Bats, & Bears for our next curriculum theme in October. The City of Boulder Open Space will talk about these animals on the 10th, 15th, 24th of this month. Our Halloween parties are on Wednesday and Thursday, October 30th and 31st starting at 9:00am. Please bring your child to school for the parade (which you are welcome to stay and take pictures of) in the gym wearing their costumes with play clothes underneath so they can change before their party. Look for the sign-up sheet in the cubby room for snacks, paper goods, and parent volunteers for both days. The school will be closed on Columbus Day Monday, October 14th to observe the federal holiday. There’s a Kid’s Movie Night October 5th if you need a night out from 4-8pm. We hope you’re as excited for Fall as we are, and don’t forget to bring some warmer clothes to school for your little ones!

Thank you,

Misses Melissa, Chrisline, & Mr. Nick.

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