May 2019 Newsletter

The kids put on such a great performance last month! We all learned so much about fairy tales, and how stories can have different versions, meanings, and lessons to them.

This May will be all about bugs and how ladybugs and butterflies grow and change. The sunrise kiddos will be raising their own critters to put into the garden they’ve been working so hard on. On Wednesday the 22nd there’s a field trip to the Butterfly Pavilion that leaves at 8:45 AM, so please have those permission slips turned in to the school. We would appreciate any volunteers to chaperone or drive children on the field trip. There’s also the school graduation picnic on Friday the 31st, and of course all family and friends are welcome to come! If your child will be graduating to Kindergarten please bring us 75 pieces of your favorite art pieces ASAP so we can prepare their books in time. Please bring a sun hat to school and start putting sunscreen on your child before school as the weather warms up. As we close down the school year let Miss Melissa know what your schedule may be next year, because we want you to have first choice this Fall!
Misses Melissa, Dana, Meredith, & Mr. Nick.