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September 2018 Newsletter

Welcome back to another wonderful School year! Summer fun was a blast running in sprinklers, watching the garden grow, and learning what it means to be a good friend and helper. The teachers and kids want to give a big Sunrise welcome to new families and it’s exciting to get to know each other. Please let us know if your child needs help, encouragement, or support during this transition?

In September we’ll learn about “pirates” and “fall” for our monthly themes. School photos will be on Wednesday, September 19th, and Thursday, September 20th between 8:00 – 8:30 AM so be ready to take pictures early in the morning. Our annual family school picnic happens on Wednesday, September 19th from 5:30 – 7:00 PM and everyone is welcome to bring family and friends. We’ll provide pizza for dinner and each family will need to bring a side or dessert to share. Look for a sign-up sheet the week before so we can all see what people will offer. Please bring a family photo to school if you haven’t already to hang on our wall so everyone can get to know each other a little easier. If your new to Sunrise please be sure we have your registration paperwork, immunization records, and materials and activities fee for 2018/2019 which helps pay for field trips, guest speakers, dance, and snacks for your child. Thank you for all you have done already to help your child get off to a great start to the school year and we are so happy to be in the classroom with your specific children!

Thanks & welcome,

Misses Melissa, Dana, Michelle, & Mr. Nick.

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