September 2015 Newsletter
Hooray for the first day of preschool at Sunrise! The staff and older children are literally bursting with excitement to meet and welcome our new friends to school.
Last month we relaxed and played with the new friends we met, and said some tearful goodbyes to the older kids going off to Kindergarden.
The new environment, classmates, teachers, and parents can get a bit overwhelming during these first couple days at preschool so the theme for September will be "Getting to Know You."
Famous female artists will inspire us to make some paintings this month since last year in Fall we learned about male artists. Parents please mark your calenders for the Sunrise family picnic taking place on the night of Wednesday the 16th. Sunrise will provide the pizza and please look for the dessert sign-up poster hanging by the entrance. Don't forget the clothing swap will take place the week of the 21st through the 25th, and school photos will be sometime this month so we'll be sure to let you know when. Finally, we are all still so sad saying our goodbyes to Miss Dina, but don't forget to welcome our newwest teacher at Sunrise, Miss Emma (check the staff page for her bio)!
Welcome back to school,
Miss Melissa, Miss Courtney, Miss Emma, & Mr. Nick.