December 2017 Newsletter

November was loaded with fun things to do from learning about dinosaurs to a felt play about sharing and giving thanks. Big thank you to all our field trip chaperones who helped the children at the CU Museum of Natural History! Hopefully, your little paleontologists had some interesting dinosaur
facts to share with you all after school.

This month at Sunrise we’ll cover various holidays around the world for our curriculum theme. There will be a visit from La Befana the Italian Christmas witch who gives out biscotti cookies, and Santa will stop by one day and say hello to the children. There’s a Kid’s Movie Night this Saturday the 9th from 4-8pm if you can make it, and Miss Dana has some fun holiday theme dance classes prepared for the kiddos. Have a ‘Happy Holiday’ with the ones you love, however you celebrate, as we have enjoyed sharing with your children how other boys and girls around the world celebrate their “Winter Holidays.”
Misses Melissa, Jennie, Dana, & Mr. Nick.